Hansen v bottom

File this under "The Ones That Got Away"

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The fiasco that was the sale of LambrettaWorks forced me to sell many of the boards that I had collected over the years, some of which can be seen hanging from the ceiling in this photo from my last blog post.

wclw ld3 surfboards DSCF0003

Of the many boards I had to let go (which included an early '60s Harbour, serial number 753), this Hansen v-bottom might just be the one I miss the most - not because it was the most valuable (especially back then; these boards have gotten a little more desirable since then) - but because I never rode it. At that time I was strictly a goofy-ass longboarder. Of course if you have browsed this site much at all (or looked at this), you will surely know that by now I am a fully fledged goofy-ass v-bottom rider!

The board was not in mint condition, but not bad. I am pretty sure it was water tight at least. The original fin box was gone and in its place the Playboy themed fin was glassed in... or shall I say "pooled in", as in a pool of resin. I think it was about 7'6", but I can't be sure.

Just the sheer brevity of the v-bottom era is enough to make boards like this as rare as the proverbial seagull's teeth. So yeah, looking back on it now I'm pretty bummed I let this one go. The board sold on Craigslist when I was living in LA in around 2007-'08. If I ever run into the buyer, I would sure like to take it for a spin!

Click for full page slideshow:

Hansen V Bottom with Playboy Fin


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